Tparker3’s Weblog

The Final Portfolio

Posted on: October 30, 2008

Ok well you know fall semester is almost over. Wow, I can’t believe it and spring semester is going to statrt in like 2 months maybe. But back to the story I was saying,  we was told by our instructors we have to present a (creatvie and unique) portfolio about ourselves, experiences at college(XU), and work we done in other classes.  The reason being because it touch bases on the importantance of the individual whose the portfolio about without you asking them so many questions.( Because I know everyone gets tired of people asking them so many questions lol)Then some of the questions being asked help the reader know about your college experiences.  Showing others who are reading your portfolio know that they may not be alone in experiencing simiar situations, that you may be going through some of the same issues. Hopefully my selected contributions in my portfolio show my interllectual identity. The assignment shouldn’t be hard at all, mostly entertaining for others and myself basically. I’m just hoping it will help my fellow classmates understand who I am as an individual, and view my portfolio as an intelligent young adult with determination, ambition, and high goals I want to fulfill one day as a person.

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  • khunter1: Grade: 1) 100 words: Yes 2) On a scale of 1-5, you received a 5 for answering the question. Great job!
  • drcxula: Clearly you have thought about the questions/issues posed. I think you are showing some insight here. Now, I want you to work on your writing. Your
  • DrKjoyC: Why you got to leave me hangin' like that!
